How to Take Part
When playing Dungeons & Dragons, it’s not uncommon to finish up a campaign with your characters saving the world or rescuing innocents. It seems many adventures you watch on twitch.tv/dnd have some variation of that theme set in a fantasy world… but fans can have a strong, positive impact in this world, too.
Extra Life is a charity organization D&D has been happy to be involved with since 2013, with the express purpose of driving donations to the Children's Hospitals Network. And this year, we’re continuing our livestreaming and other efforts to help drive even more donations!
Join the Team
If you want to raise money for kids this year by creating your own individual or sub team page, it's easy! The Extra Life site will guide you through the steps of registering, and you’ll be automatically added to the Dungeons & Dragons Extra Life Team. All donations that you and your sub team raises will help us reach our goal!
Donate Directly
You can also contribute at any time toward the effort. To help out, please consider donating directly to the D&D Team. You can also donate to any of the DMs and groups within the D&D Team.
Merchandise and Apparel
Dirlagraun, the Witchlight Carnival’s gray-whiskered displacer beast, looks after lost children much like the D&D community bands together to help sick and injured children. Once again, we are pleased to announce that Dungeons & Dragons has partnered with Extra Life to create special event apparel!
- Order at the Extra Life Shop.
Adventure Material
Available now on the DMs Guild, with all Wizards of the Coast proceeds donated to Extra Life:
- Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy: Minsc and Boo were able to track down old friends and hated enemies and find out what they’ve been up to over the past century. They’ve compiled everything into this journal, edited by the traveler extraordinaire, Volo Geddarm.
- Lost Laboratory of Kwalish: Explores an alternate expedition into the Barrier Peaks. The legendary inventor disappeared in the peaks eons ago… as it turns out, finding a crashed planar ship and studying its technology to fuel his own experiments—only now, Kwalish’s lost research is desperately needed! For characters 5th-10th level.
- Infernal Machine Rebuild: A fallen clock tower holds components from an ancient artifact. Upon discovery of the components, competing agents look to launch expeditions to uncover additional components scattered across distant places—and times. A D&D adventure in search of completing the Infernal Machine of Lum the Mad! For characters 5th-10th level.
- The Lost Kenku: Finding a lost companion is difficult at the best of times. Finding a kenku thief lost in the jungles of Chult—let us just say that is not a task for the inexperienced.
Adventure/Character Material
- Tortle Package: This supplement introduces a new playable character race, the tortle, and a new adventure location: Dangwaru, the Typhoon Palace.
- Locathah Rising: A D&D adventure that also contains rules for creating locathah characters.
- One Grung Above: From the depths of the jungles of Chult they're here!
Monster Material
- Mordenkainen’s Fiendish Folio: Crawling from the darkest recesses of D&D’s history comes a ferocious menagerie of monsters malevolent and benign!
Family/Kids Material
- Adventure with Muk: Meet Muk, the very bravest goblin, and his best friend Birdsquirrel, in this activity book suitable for players of all "levels"!
- Muk's Guide to Everything He Learned From Tasha: Join Muk and his friend Birdsquirrel for their next adventure in Dankwood, as our crafty goblin teams up with the Archmage Tasha to bring you more fun activities and adventure ideas.